
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Vinegar salad.

One of the hazards of not eating any grains --because they'll kill you-- or processed foods --because they'll kill you, too-- is that I do an awfully lot of cooking. This morning, I decided to throw together a salad so that I had something to go with the charcoal grilled steaks I had leftover from Sunday night. I settled on a vinegar salad. Vinegar salads are dead simple.

What you need:
A large cucumber
Ripe tomatoes- either sliced or small, whole
1/2 medium white onion
1/4 cup cold-pressed olive oil
White vinegar

Chop everything up. I like to peel the cucumber, and slice it into half rounds and the onion into thin slices. Add the 1/4 cup olive oil and enough vinegar to give the veggies a good soak. You can eat this immediately, though it's much better if left to chill for a few hours or overnight.

Or if you're the kind of person that understands the superiority of fine mustard as a condiment, you can do it like this:

Save the tomatoes and onions for another dish. Mix equal parts Dijon mustard, white vinegar, olive oil, and salt to taste. Toss cucumber slices in mustard mixture. Enjoy.

More on why I don't eat grain later. If you want a head start, read "The Primal Blueprint," "The Paleo Diet," and "The Vegetarian Myth" and articles that are readily available at Mark's Daily Apple. Forget 'Big Brother' - Big Ag is filling their pockets while killing you and turning the earth into a wasteland. Let's talk real change, real sustainability, and real health.

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