
Monday, April 12, 2010

Going scaveng-- er... shopping.

This is not a 3rd world country.

Run by Luis, a Mexican who speaks perfect English with an Eastern european accent, Bob Jonak's place is akin an island that can only by found by people that already know where it is. Mythic in its size and diversity of scrap, it's over a square mile of agricultural-industrial graveyard. And it's where I get most of the steel that I need for my projects thats either unaffordable or unavailable due to its size, rarity, or (usually) obsolescence. It's a place for the repurposing of things and at Jonak's I can buy most anything for a song. 50' of lath fence? $5. 50 links of 1/2" tool steel digger chain? $0.25 per link. Bolts, wheels, gears, chain, wrought iron-- and I could never exhaust the supply.

I happened to snap a picture last time I was out, and now that my shop is back in commission I'll be headed out for more project materials soon.


Went out after my workout and found everything I needed for a project, save maybe a piece of spring steel for $10. How about that?

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